Should your employees return to the workplace? | Moorepay
Should your employees return to the workplace?

Should your employees return to the workplace?


It’s been a long while since the UK packed up their office equipment for the final time when Boris announced lockdown back in 2020.

And what’s been the result of that? Well, remote working was the new norm for those of us who weren’t required to be in the workplace. And many people found this to be the perfect solution. Then when Covid-19 started the become more controlled we moved into yet another way of working – hybrid. 

And for many of us, that’s still the same practice we are sticking to today. But is the tide turning yet again? With employers, top-business leaders, and even employees suggesting that a full-time return to the workplace is the way to go. 

Let’s find out…

What's inside?

  • What's the issue?

  • What do your people want?

  • The current return to workplace legislation

  • Making your workplace worth the commute

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