New paternity leave flexibility introduced | Moorepay

Payroll Legislation

New paternity leave flexibility introduced


New paternity leave flexibility introduced


6 April 2024


In a move to enhance work-life balance and support family-friendly policies, the Department for Business and Change (DBT) implemented these significant changes to paternity leave in April 2024. These adjustments follow a comprehensive consultation conducted in 2019.

Commencing from April 2024, employed fathers-to-be gain increased flexibility in the process of availing paternity leave. The key modifications include:

  1. Advanced notice provision: Employed fathers now have the opportunity to provide notice of their entitlement 28 days before the expected birth or placement of adoption. Additionally, they are required to give 4 weeks’ notice before actually taking paternity leave.

  2. Flexible leave periods: Under the revised policy, an employed father can opt to take paternity leave in two non-consecutive periods of one week each, or alternatively, in a continuous two-week block. This flexibility allows for better customisation to individual family needs.

This forward-thinking approach by the DBT aims to create a more supportive and adaptable work environment for new fathers, fostering a better balance between professional and family responsibilities.

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