Scottish Earnings Arrestments (proposed) | Moorepay

Payroll & HR Rates

Scottish Earnings Arrestments (proposed)


Scottish Earnings Arrestments (proposed)


Tax year 2023 to 2024


The National Insurance rates and Earnings Limits in the tax year 2023 to 2024.

Deduction periodNet earningsDeduction*Net earningsDeduction*Net earningsDeduction*Net earningsDeduction*
Daily earningsNot exceeding £21.56NilExceeding £655.83 but not exceeding £2,370.49£15.00 or 19% of earnings exceeding £655.83, whichever is the greater Exceeding £2,370.49 but not exceeding £3,563.83£325.79 plus 23% of earnings exceeding £2,370.49Exceeding £3,563.83£600.25 plus 50% of earnings exceeding £3,563.83
Weekly earningsNot exceeding £150.94NilExceeding £150.94 but not exceeding £545.57£4 or 19% of earnings exceeding £150.94, whichever is the greater Exceeding £545.57 but not exceeding £820.21£74.98 plus 23% of earnings exceeding £545.57Exceeding £820.21£138.15 plus 50% of earnings exceeding £820.21
Monthly earningsNot exceeding £655.83NilExceeding £655.83 but not exceeding £2,370.49£15.00 or 19% of earnings exceeding £655.83, whichever is the greater Exceeding £2,370.49 but not exceeding £3,563.83£325.79 plus 23% of earnings exceeding £2,370.49Exceeding £3,563.83£600.25 plus 50% of earnings exceeding £3,563.83

The Scottish Parliament has proposed to undertake a further revision of the Scottish Earnings Arrestment tables for April 2023. See deduction tables below.

*When applying a percentage the calculation should be done to two decimal places of a penny and the result rounded to the nearest whole penny, with an exact half penny being rounded down.