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March 27, 2024

Is emotional intelligence the superpower missing from your organisation?

Emotional intelligence, also known as EQ, is about having awareness of how our own emotions play a role in influencing our thoughts actions. And taking it a step further, using that knowledge to be more productive and have better interactions with those around us. With increased awareness of mental health and wellbeing, we are now more conscious of how the way we act can affect the wellbeing of others, making soft skills such as emotional intelligence of equal importance as holding the technical skills required…

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two women talking in front of large window
March 27, 2024

Five ways to prepare yourself for a big speech to colleagues

Presenting can be a daunting prospect for anyone, regardless of their experience or confidence level. But we don't think it has to be so scary! In this blog, we’re going to list five steps to help you prepare for that speech and deliver with confidence and ease. You know, the one you really don’t want to give… 1. Remind yourself of the purpose whilst considering the audience Reminding yourself of the reason for presenting is the perfect place to start. To get your head in…

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back of womans head with her hand raised
March 27, 2024

HR metrics: your guide to business growth

Ready to crack the code of HR metrics? Join us as we unravel the importance of tracking KPI’s and harnessing the power of data-driven decision-making to propel your business forward! Understanding HR metrics HR metrics, simply put, are vital data points that gauge the value of your workforce and assess the effectiveness of your HR initiatives. By leveraging this data, businesses gain insights into what works, what needs improvement, and how to shape a robust people strategy for success. Why HR metrics matter Data is…

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man working on imac with post it note
March 27, 2024

Is maternity pay pensionable?

What happens to someone’s private or company pension when they go on maternity leave? The basics Due to Auto-Enrolment, all employers have to enrol their staff into a company pension scheme and contribute at least 3% of their annual salary to the pension each year. And when taking maternity leave, an employee is allowed to benefit from all the things they usually would such as paid holiday, employee protection from unfair dismissal, employee benefits – and employer pension contributions. So, we’ve established the employee should receive the…

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Is maternity pay pensionable
March 27, 2024

Holiday entitlement calculator – calculations made easy

Calculating holiday entitlement for full-time employees is relatively straight-forward. But what about when an employee starts or leaves part way through the holiday year, and what about part-time employees? That's when calculating holiday entitlement gets much more difficult... But don't worry - to help you through this arithmetic exercise, we've compiled the following guide to take the stress out of your calculations. Click on an example below to jump to that calculation. Quick links Full-time employees Quick video on holiday calculations for full-time employees Full-time…

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Holiday calculations made easy - calculating holiday entitlement
March 24, 2024

Do employees have the right to a lunch break?

Working from home is creating rather a blurred line between employees' work lives and their personal lives. With this in mind, many employers are likely to be encouraging rest breaks. So what does employment law say about lunch breaks? When it comes to the rules, what are employees actually entitled to? Which employees in particular should employers be mindful of? Are there exceptions to the rules? And can an employee determine when they take their lunch break? Keep reading to find out. The Working Time…

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African-American man eating healthy lunch, talking on mobile phone and working on laptop at home.
March 7, 2024

Empowering women to pursue leadership

It's time to shatter those glass ceilings, strive towards a more inclusive space, and climb higher than ever before. Let's unleash the power of women in the workplace! "Representation on a leadership level is so important – and even the layers below. The more diverse a leadership team is, the better the business will be."Michelle Hobson, Moorepay's HR Services Director According to various studies and reports, including the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report, the representation of women in senior management roles varies across…

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four women discussing around a table
March 7, 2024

Developing your talent strategy: five tips for success

Attracting, developing and retaining your best employees is no easy feat - particularly in such a competitive job market. Here's how you can recruit and keep your incredibly valuable people by using a strategic approach. The UK talent market is tough for employers right now, with 80% of UK employers struggling to find the talent they need. Despite some recovery after the pandemic, record numbers of vacancies continue to go unfilled. Employers are having to offer more flexibility to engage their staff - but could…

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HR leaders developing a talent strategy
March 6, 2024

What is Agile HR, and how to get started

Unless you’ve been buried under paperwork for the last decade (entirely plausible in the HR world), you’re bound to be familiar with the concept of ‘Agile’ project management. In this article, we outline how you can apply these concepts to HR operations. When was Agile introduced? Agile methodology was the brainchild of software engineers, developed as a way to speed up their development projects, and was formalised in 2001. It was founded on the principles of collaboration and iteration – breaking down large, complex projects…

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HR department using agile hr methodology
March 5, 2024

Dealing with an employee who’s always late

Unforeseen roadworks, a missed alarm, or the elusive bus - we're all late from time to time; it just happens! But when lateness becomes persistent, it's time to address it. Join us as we run through the best approach to managing an employee who's always running against the clock. Being punctual isn't just a nicety - it's a necessity for productivity and business success. One of the most common challenges that impacts on the effectiveness of a company is employee lateness. Employers understand that occasional…

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man drinking coffee and checking his watch