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June 29, 2021

Payroll & HR legislation that SMBs need to know 

It’s a minefield out there. Legislation can change at the drop of a hat and if you dare to miss it, you could be slapped with a hefty fine. We’ve pulled together some must-know legislation topics for SMBs.   Workplace pensions Whether you employ one or one hundred people, it is a legal requirement to auto-enrol your employees into a workplace pension scheme. To qualify employees must meet the below criteria:  Aged between 22 and state pension age   Earn above £10,000 per year   It’s worth…

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What you’ll need to kick-start using APIs in payroll
June 25, 2021

How to measure payroll & HR software ROI

While trusting your gut might get you so far, ROI is probably a better measure to base your business decisions on. So how do you get an accurate gauge on it for brand new and sparkly payroll & HR software before you take the plunge? What is ROI? Given that you probably hear the word thrown around the boardroom every other day, we’ll keep it visual: Essentially the above will spit out the percentage of your investment that you earn back through direct/ indirect profits,…

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How to measure payroll & HR software ROI
June 23, 2021

Simple ways to save money on your payroll & HR

Your people are you biggest asset, and with that comes the biggest price tag. While you might pay through the nose for your people, processing their pay doesn’t have to. When assessing your payroll & HR it’s important to talk about value, not just price. Look for good employee experience When it comes to payroll, your employees are going to need the basics. Like being paid accurately and on time. Think it doesn’t matter? Research commissioned by Zellis suggests that 1 in 5 employees have…

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Simple ways to save money on your payroll & HR
June 22, 2021

Reasons why changing payroll provider will make your finance team happy

We’re creatures of habit. Not so keen on change. It’s no surprise that changing payroll providers comes with a little work, and a lot of stakeholder management. So, if the purse string holders aren’t already convinced, here’s why they should give the green light. Cost savings This is the most obvious one. If you tell your finance department you’re in the market of saving them money, they’ll (almost always) be happy about it. However, it’s important to look beyond the bottom line. Maybe your new…

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Reasons why switching payroll provider will make your finance team happy
June 22, 2021

Five ways software integration will save you money

Integration doesn’t just mean touch free data, a seamless experience and APIs lightening the load. What if we told you integration could have your finance team jumping for joy too? With 82% of businesses failing due to cashflow issues, it pays to invest in integration. Reduce headcount Ever get the feeling your admins spend their time doing, well, admin? How much could your business save if some of this admin was automated? Could you even save a whole headcount and invest that money elsewhere in…

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5 ways software integration will save you money
June 21, 2021

Five ways payroll integration will catapult your growth plans

When we think business growth we think about the right people in the right places, but what about the right tools implemented in the right way? Check out these knock-out reasons as to why you should be focusing on payroll integration. Efficiency In the business world if you can be one thing, then be efficient. Ask almost any department and they’ll harp on about the bottlenecks that come with the admin proportion of the job. That’s the admin of copying data from one place to…

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hybrid working
June 20, 2021

Stop! These are the reasons your HR team is hindering the growth of your business

HR, they’re the people-people. Champions of employee experience and the voice of your workforce. But have you ever considered how they could be holding back your growth efforts? Check out these simple tweaks your HR department can make to boost productivity and growth. Document management Research from Hyland suggests HR professionals spend 14% of their time maintaining employee records, and a whopping 51 minutes a day just looking for information in paper documents, files and emails. With that in mind, if your HR department hasn’t…

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the reasons your HR team are hindering the growth of your business
June 19, 2021

Three tools your payroll department needs to work efficiently and grow your business

If you’re like us, then you’ll love productivity. It’s at the heart of any growing business, but what do your payroll team need in their locker to be working at their most efficient? Great UX Clunky software, difficult-to-navigate screens and don’t even get us started on buffering. Ultimately poor user experience is going to lead to sloppy payroll. We’re talking people not being paid on time, inaccuracies, and it could very well impact team retention. In fact, research from Workfront suggests that almost half of…

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3 tools your payroll department needs to work efficiently and grow your business
June 4, 2021

How to keep up workplace morale in 2021

A new survey reveals employee morale is at an all-time low. As we follow the roadmap out of lockdown, how can you flip the script and create a positive attitude in your team as we look forward to the future? It's no news to us that high morale leads to increased productivity, lower staff turnover, and a better working environment for all. But in recent times, your employees have had to navigate healthcare concerns, lower job security, and the difficulties of a changing work environment.…

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How to keep up workplace morale in 2021
June 3, 2021

The jig is up for the gig economy

On the back of other significant cases, the Post Office's recent employment tribunal heralds a big change for the gig economy. As predicted, Uber's recent announcement to award their drivers with worker status after losing a five-year legal battle is having far-reaching consequences on the gig economy model. Now, the Post Office is at the centre of a tribunal which could shake up the employment rights of millions. 120 sub-postmasters, representing 8,500 of their colleagues across the UK, have taken the Post Office to an…

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Uber gig economy case