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June 3, 2021

The jig is up for the gig economy

On the back of other significant cases, the Post Office's recent employment tribunal heralds a big change for the gig economy. As predicted, Uber's recent announcement to award their drivers with worker status after losing a five-year legal battle is having far-reaching consequences on the gig economy model. Now, the Post Office is at the centre of a tribunal which could shake up the employment rights of millions. 120 sub-postmasters, representing 8,500 of their colleagues across the UK, have taken the Post Office to an…

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Uber gig economy case
June 2, 2021

Case law | What counts as worker status?

An Important Case on the Topic of Worker Status decided by the EAT in April 2021. A ruling has confirmed that drivers working for the private hire and cab and courier service, Addison Lee, should be classified as ‘workers’, and will subsequently be entitled to the rights that workers receive. This follows on from the outcome of a Supreme Court case in February 2021, which found that Uber workers should also be classed as workers. The latest decision means that Addison Lee may need to…

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uber case on worker status
May 19, 2021

Hybrid working: 10 issues employers must consider

On 12 May, Boris Johnson announced that the order to work from home wherever possible is to end from 21 June (certainly in England). This appears to contradict advice from SAGE, the government’s scientific advisors. They suggest the measure should continue through the summer and, with the Indian Variant accelerating, ending all restrictions is considered premature. But will staff happily return to the workplace? And what do employers actually want to do? What is hybrid working? One measure rapidly gathering momentum is the concept of ‘hybrid’…

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hybrid working
May 18, 2021

Should you be letting your employees work from a beer garden?

As we stampede towards summer, beach bags and flip flops in tow, you might begin to see some of your employees pushing the boundaries of ‘working from home.’ While the Maldives looks unlikely for many, the Red Lion’s beer garden is looking very appealing.   So, if your employees’ new address has ‘arms’, ‘inn’ or ‘crown’ in the title, it might be that they are perched in their local during working hours. But how does this impact your business? Do you have rights as an employer to enforce working locations? And what are the potential benefits of alfresco or ‘agile’ working?  Five top tips for employers While shipping your whole workforce to the…

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working in beer garden
May 17, 2021

One third of employees to bunk off work this summer!

Findings from our survey of more than 700 people reveal almost a third (32%) would consider bunking off work this summer. The research shows the top reasons for bunking off include catching up with friends, going on holiday, spending time with the kids, and going to the pub for a sneaky pint! All of this will come as no surprise to employers this year. Lockdown restrictions are set to lift completely by 21 June and experts are predicting a heatwave in the summer months. Feeling…

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bunking off work this summer
May 12, 2021

It’s not if you’ll switch to Faster Payments, it’s when.

We've seen the volume of employees paid by Faster Payments rise rapidly through the first months of 2021. Since November last year, we’ve almost doubled the number of monthly transactions. And in the same period, the monetary value of transactions has increased by almost 120%. What’s more, the overall number of Faster Payment transactions in the UK increased by 22% in March 2021, compared with March 2020. I’m keen to explain what Faster Payments are and the main benefits payroll teams see when using them.…

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AV faster payments
May 11, 2021

Companies that missed minimum wage legislation & how to avoid their mistakes

Everyone deserves to be paid fairly for the work they do, and minimum wage is in place to protect employees from exploitation. However, it wasn’t that long ago when huge names in retail, hospitality and entertainment failed to pay their employees basic minimum wage. So, what was their downfalls? And how can you as a business avoid the same mistakes? In 2017, the government named and shamed more than 350 big name employers who failed to pay some of their employees the national minimum and…

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Companies that missed minimum wage legislation & how to avoid their mistakes
May 7, 2021

How to calculate holiday pay: an employer’s guide

Please note, legislation has been updated in regards to holiday calculations since this article was written, effective for holiday years starting on or after 1 April 2024. If you’re a Moorepay client, please contact us if you need guidance. Otherwise, please see this article on the changes for more information.  Is calculating worker holiday pay driving you round the bend? Feel like you’re owed a holiday just for getting your head around it? Check out our employers’ guide to holiday pay calculations to make some sense…

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calculating holiday pay
May 5, 2021

Five ways to sense check you’re applying IR35 correctly

IR35: a thorn in the side of many in 2020/21. And with costly fines looming, it pays to get it right. If the thought of IR35 miscalculations and contracting is keeping you up at night, then we have some simple ways to sense check if you’re on the right track.   Check who falls inside & outside of IR35 If you’re still worried about whether the new legislation will affect your contractor, you can use the GOV.UK checker. This allows your contractor to check their employment status. Remember, as the employer it is your responsibility to…

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5 ways to sense check you're applying IR35 correctly
May 5, 2021

What are the risks of payroll outsourcing?

Outsourcing your payroll, just like outsourcing anything in your business, does come with an element of risk. And not necessarily a fun kind of risk, like karaoke, blind dates, or opening a packet of ham that’s been in your fridge for a while. That being said, a small amount of risk can lead to great rewards - whether that’s a streamlined payroll experience or a delicious sandwich. We’ll walk you through the 7 most common perils of moving your payroll function from in-house to managed.…

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payroll professional considering the risks of payroll outsourcing