Appy days: what's new with employee experience? | Moorepay
September 14, 2022

Appy days: what’s new with employee experience?

Moorepay Mobile App

Our Mobile App, birthed by our Next Generation Software, and a certified swot when it comes to impressing employees. Our agile deployment structure means we can fast-track fantastic features straight to our customers and their employees. Hooray! So, the real question is, what have we been working on?

Payslip notifications

Is there a happier day than payday? We think not. Employees now get a pocket-sized ping when their payslip is ready.

We don’t need to tell you they can download it and send it directly to third parties, you already know that. And of course, you know all about our payslip privacy mode that means bus, boat or boardroom, there’s no nosy parkers getting their eyes on it.


Ahhhh booking leave. One browser open on Skyscanner, one up with the diary. While employees have been able to book holiday in the Mobile App for a while, (swanky key features video wrap up right here) we’ve made some sneaky improvements to functionality, look and feel. We’re really living up to our ‘easy to use’ motto here.

·      No eligible leave entitlement: for the poor, unfortunate souls who’ve spent all their holiday, we’ve made it more obvious they need to go back to the drawing board, gently pointing them in the right direction.

·      Leave request types: our Mobile App now supports the ability to view, edit and book multiple leave requests, not just holiday, but time in lieu and logging sickness.

·       Leave dashboard: improvements to the leave dashboard means employees can view and understand their leave in a jiffy. It’s super intuitive, so as soon as leave is approved – puff – that dashboard reveals the deduction. That’s entitlement and balances clear as day.

·       Multiple requests: employees can now request different leave types on the same day. That means if you’ve got a couple of hours in lieu, you can use that on your morning shift and then take holiday in the afternoon.

While it might be one small step for leave, it’s a giant leap for employee experience.

What does all this mean for you, the hard-working payroll & HR teams? You’ll like this one; time back in the diary. The more your employees can do without needing you, the more time in your back pocket. So, if you’re ready to give your employees the experience they (and you) deserve speak to an expert today.

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Molly Chapman Product Marketing Manager
About the author

Molly Chapman

Molly Chapman is the Product Marketing Manager at Moorepay, having joined our team in 2020. In short, Molly helps bridge the gap between our products and the customer: communicating the benefits and technical details of our products to ensure that our customers get the best out of Moorepay’s payroll & HR software and services. Working for many years in product marketing, most notably within the travel industry, Molly has an established background in bringing value to her client base. Outside of work, Molly enjoys experimenting with vegetarian cooking, walking the dogs and a good B&M bargain.

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